All students registering for the first time in the 2024/2025 school year must create a new account to register for class.

Academic Calendar and Scheduled Closures

Labor Day: Monday, September 4, 2024. No classes, CITC offices are closed.
Veterans Day: November 11, 2024. No classes, CITC offices are closed.
Thanksgiving Break: November 28 and 29, 2024. No classes, CITC offices are closed.
Winter Break: December 23, 2024 - January 2, 2025. No classes.
Martin Luther King Day: January 20, 2025. No classes, CITC offices are open.
President’s Day: February 17, 2025. CITC offices are closed.
Memorial Day: May 26, 2025. No classes, CITC offices are closed.
Graduation Ceremony - Western Washington: Friday, June 13, 2025. CITC offices close early.
Graduation Ceremony - Eastern Washington: Friday, June 20, 2025. CITC offices close early.
Juneteenth Day: June 19, 2025. No classes, CITC offices are closed.

First Day of Quarter:

Summer Quarter – July 8, 2024

Fall Quarter – September 6, 2024

Winter Quarter – January 6, 2025

Spring Quarter – April 7, 2025

CITC Board of Trustees

Executive Board Members

Chair: David McFerran, Comfort Systems USA (Northwest), Inc.
Vice Chair: Shawn Rhode, Rafn Company
Secretary: Kathleen Garrity
Treasurer: Adam Pinsky, Bayley Construction
Past Chair: Mike Price, Endeavor NW, Inc.

Our Board Members

Cary Clemenson, Integrated Service Company
Jason Preuit, W.G. Clark Construction Co.
Sam Swackhammer, Sea-Tac Electric
Dr. Lingzi Wu, University of Washington

CITC Staff

Executive Administration

Halene Sigmund, President 
Phone: (425) 285-2324 

Jack Chapel, Vice President of Education
Phone: (425) 285-2327 

Adriana Gamboa, Vice President of Apprenticeship
Phone: (425) 285-2325 

Stacie Meyer, Vice President of Finance
Phone: (425) 285-2326 

Administrative Staff

Mary Zacharias, Lead Office Administrator/Registrar
Phone: (425) 285-2328 

Robin Brown, Craft Training Coordinator
Phone: (425) 285-2329 

Tye Clinton, Craft Training Office Assistant 
Phone: (425) 285-5910

Sarah White, Assistant Registrar 
Phone: (425) 285-5902

Cliff Bradley, Craft Instructor & Facility Support Coordinator for Eastern and Central Washington 
Phone: (425) 454-2482

Jai Briar, Education Manager
Phone: (425) 466-4743 

Pete Chartrand, HVAC Craft Instructor and Training Development Supervisor - Bellevue
Phone: (425) 285-2322

Lara Siegfried, Electrical Craft Instructor and Training Development Supervisor
Phone: (425) 999-0688

Apprenticeship Staff

Nan Bhusawang, Apprenticeship Program Manager 
Phone: (425) 285-2333

Corrissa Bollinger, Apprenticeship Internal Auditor 
Phone: (425) 285-5903

Kelli Chaney, Electrical Trades Coordinator 
Phone: (425) 285-2323 

Abbie Gelfer, Electrical Trades Coordinator 
Phone: (425) 285-5901

Kria Gomez, Electrical and Mechanical Apprenticeship Dispatch Coordinator 
Phone: (425) 285-2321

Eugene Likhonin, Southwest Washington Facility Manager 
Phone: (425) 285-2336

Brian Malloy, Apprenticeship Records Assistant
Phone: (425) 285-5908

Erik Pearson, Northern Washington Apprenticeship & Facility Manager 
Phone: (360) 926-6694 

Yami Pinzon, Electrical Trades Coordinator 
Phone: (425) 285-5905 

Angela Rhymes, Apprenticeship Program Assistant 
Phone: (425) 285-2331 

Rick St. Vincent, Eastern Washington Apprenticeship & Facility Manager 

Phone: (509) 919-2029 

Jessica Swenson, Mechanical Trades Coordinator 
Phone: (425) 285-5918 

Deirdre Williams, South Puget Sound Apprenticeship & Facility Manager
Phone: (253) 433-5405

Continuing Education Staff

Ana Davenport, Continuing Education Manager 
Phone: (425) 285-2334 

Melody Lindquist, Continuing Education Program Assistant
Phone: (425) 285-5919

Sarah Rimbaugh, Continuing Education Program Assistant 
Phone: (425) 285-2332 

Accounting Staff

Ashley Knuckey, Accounting & IT Manager 
Phone: (425) 285-2335 

Jenn Middleton, Accounting Assistant 
Phone: (425) 285-5908 

CITC Offices & Hours of Operation

CITC Bellevue

Corporate Office 

Administrative Offices & Main Training Facility

1930 116th Avenue NE, Bellevue, WA 98004

Administrative Hours

8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday - Friday

Main (425) 454-2482

Toll-Free (877) 707-2482

Fax (425) 462-7391

Craft Training

Toll-Free (877) 707-2482

Fax (425) 462-7391

Apprenticeship Training

Toll-Free (877) 428-0442

Fax (425) 289-0085

Continuing Education

Toll-Free (877) 238-8646

Fax (425) 462-7391

CITC Marysville

Administrative Hours

By appointment only. Please call (360) 926-6694 to schedule.

Main (360) 926-6694

Toll-Free (877) 428-0442

Fax (425) 289-0085

CITC Pasco

5804 Road 90, Pasco, WA 99301

Administrative Hours

By appointment only. Please call (425) 285-5911 to schedule.

Main (425) 285-5911

Toll-Free (877) 428-0442

Fax (425) 289-0085

CITC Puyallup

405 Valley Ave NW, Suite D, Puyallup, WA 98371

Administrative Hours

By appointment only. Please call (425) 454-2482 to schedule.

Main (425) 454-2482

CITC Spokane

10428 W. Aero Road, Suite A, Spokane, WA 99224

Administrative Hours

By appointment only. Please call (425) 285-2338 to schedule.

Main (425) 285-2338

Toll-Free (877) 428-0442

Fax (425) 289-0085

CITC Vancouver

4510 NE 68th Drive, Suite 110, 112 & 114, Vancouver, WA 98661

Administrative Hours

By appointment only. Please call (425) 454-2482 to schedule.

Main (425) 285-5918

Toll-Free (877) 428-0442

Fax: (425) 289-0085


CITC classes are held in Clark, Franklin, King, Kitsap, Pierce, Snohomish, Spokane, Whitman, and Whatcom County locations.

  • Clark County classes are taught in a 15,000 square foot combined classroom and shop facility located in Vancouver. Classes are scheduled on weeknights, Friday/Saturdays, weekdays, and week-long blocks. Students with physical handicaps are accommodated, as necessary.
  • Franklin Countyclasses are taught in a 10,000 square foot combined classroom and shop facility located in Pasco. Classes are scheduled on weeknights, Friday/Saturdays, weekdays, and week-long blocks. Students with physical handicaps are accommodated, as necessary.
  • King County classes are taught in a 21,000 square foot combined classroom and shop facility located in Bellevue. Classes are scheduled on weeknights, Friday/Saturdays, weekdays, and week-long blocks. Students with physical handicaps are accommodated, as necessary.
  • Pierce Countyclasses are taught in a 12,000 square foot combined classroom and shop facility located in Puyallup. Classes are scheduled on weeknights, Friday/Saturdays, weekdays, and week-long blocks. Students with physical handicaps are accommodated, as necessary.
  • Snohomish County classes are taught in a 26,000 square foot combined classroom and shop facility located in Marysville. Classes are scheduled on weeknights, Friday/Saturdays, weekdays, and week-long blocks. Students with physical handicaps are accommodated, as necessary.
  • Spokane County classes are taught in a 20,000 square foot combined classroom and shop facility located in Spokane. Classes are scheduled on weeknights, Friday/Saturdays, weekdays, and week-long blocks. Students with physical handicaps are accommodated, as necessary.
  • All other classroom locations are taught at local university, community college, and/or other arranged facilities.Classroom seating is by tables, chairs and student desks at all locations. Lab classes are equipped with the necessary equipment for the instruction of each class.


CITC Facility Policies

At CITC we believe that every student has the right to a safe, clean, respectful, and healthy learning environment. Every student and instructor has the responsibility to uphold these policies. Instructors have the authority to send any student home for violating these policies.

  1. Safety: Safety is our first concern! There will be no tolerance for unsafe conditions, improper use of materials or tools and equipment.
  2. Attire: CITC classes are conducted in both classroom and lab spaces. All students and instructors must wear clothing suitable for a commercial job site. Sunglasses, flip-flops, sandals, open-toed shoes, sleeveless shirts, and shorts are not considered appropriate attire. Students reporting to class without proper attire may not be admitted to class.
  3. PPE: All students and instructors must wear required personal protective equipment (PPE) when working with tools or materials where it is required. Anyone not adhering to this policy will be asked to leave and will be counted as absent. The labs should be considered as an active construction environment.
  4. Cleanup: At the end of class or lab each student will be expected to allow enough time for clean-up of their workspace. All items will be put back in their proper places. All lab areas will be swept clean each evening. All garbage will be emptied.
  5. Tool Use: All hand tools and power tools shall be maintained in a safe condition and used only for their intended purpose.
  6. Tobacco: CITC facilities are 100% tobacco free - NO CHEWING TOBACCO / NO SMOKING / AND NO VAPING. Students and instructors who smoke or vape should be respectful of the sensitivities and health of others. There is no chewing, smoking, or vaping allowed inside any buildings, bathrooms or within 25 feet of entrances. CITC provides cigarette butt receptacles on the outside of the building. Smokers and chewers should be diligent in properly disposing their used items. For classes held at host facilities, all rules of CITC and host facility will be followed.
  7. Substance Abuse: The use of or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs (under state or federal law), before or during class hours will result in immediate dismissal from CITC classes.
  8. Prohibited Items: Possession, consumption or sale of controlled substances, alcohol, or firearms before or during class hours on or near the training facility and parking areas will result in immediate dismissal from CITC classes.
  9. Conduct: 
    1. ​​​​​​​Physical/verbal abuse, harassment or insubordination of any type will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal. Disruption in class, which may include electronic devices (cell phones, headphones, laptops, tablets, etc.), will result in discipline up to and including dismissal from CITC classes.
    2. Behaviors resulting in damage to CITC host facilities, equipment or class furnishings will result in discipline up to and including dismissal from CITC classes.
    3. CITC students, instructors and staff represent a diverse community. Behaviors that do not support a respectful learning environment are not acceptable and will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from CITC classes.

Licensing and Accreditation

The Construction Industry Training Council of Washington (CITC) is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation formed under the laws of the State of Washington.

CITC is accredited by: The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER)

CITC students use training manuals which are produced by the National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER), affiliated with the University of Florida. The NCCER is a coalition of 34 construction trade associations and training groups. Over 600 training programs and colleges are “accredited” by the NCCER to provide the CONTREN curriculum nationwide.

The NCCER manuals are competency-based and require students to pass both written and performance tests. All CITC Instructors have completed the NCCER Instructor Certification Program. Transcripts showing all completed NCCER coursework are distributed to students at the end of each year. Upon completion of each NCCER module the student receives a certificate of completion. Upon completion of the entire series of manuals for a craft the student receives an NCCER diploma.

Students who use the NCCER curriculum are recognized by training programs and contractors nationwide and have the ability to transfer between training programs without losing any credit. For more information or to review the NCCER training manuals call the CITC office.

CITC is approved by: Washington State Apprenticeship and Training Council (WSATC)

CITC is licensed by: Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (WTECB) License #600.598.518

CITC is licensed under Chapter 28c.10 RCW; inquiries or complaints regarding this or any other private vocational school in Washington may be made to: Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board, 128 10th Avenue SW, PO Box 43105, Olympia, WA 98504-3105, (360) 709-4600, or via email at

Apprenticeship Application Info

General Information

Admissions Policy

  • Students must be at least 18 years old upon registration.
  • Classes are taught in a manner that assumes the student is working in the field. Employment in the trades is critical for the student to get the most benefit from training at CITC.
  • CITC operates under FERPA Statute 20 USC Section 1232g and regulation 34 CFR Part 99.
  • CITC students are expected to have the math and language skills of a high school graduate.
  • For students in CITC programs that receive Lake Washington Institute of Technology, Renton Technical College, or South Seattle Community College credit – proof of a GED or high school graduation may be required by the college

EEO Statement

CITC programs are open to the public. CITC encourages diversity and accepts applications from all minority populations. CITC does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, national origin, sex, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, or the presence of any sensory, mental or physical disability or the use of a trained guide dog or service animal by a person with a disability. CITC acknowledges that information pertaining to an applicant’s disability is personal and confidential. If the information is presented, CITC will reasonably attempt to provide accommodation to overcome the effects of the limitation of the qualified applicant. All inquiries about accommodations should be made to the Lead Office Administrator/Registrar upon registration into the program. Some programs may require medical documentation due to the rigors of the program. CITC operates under FERPA Statute 20 USC Section 1232 and regulation 34 CFR Part 99.

Education Credentials

  • Students who use and pass the NCCER training curriculum will receive a Certificate of Completion at the end of each level.
  • Students successfully completing a program at CITC will be awarded a Certificate of Completion to Journey-Level status. Successful completion of the program does not guarantee employment.

Student Records

Student records will be maintained by the school for 50 years or until the school closes.  If the school closes, whether voluntary or involuntary, educational records or transcripts will be forwarded to the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board. Upon graduation, each student will be given a copy of his or her transcript. These records should be maintained indefinitely by the student. Students may request copies by writing the school.  


To withdraw from class, you must notify the CITC office of your intent to withdraw in writing. Your instructor cannot withdraw you from class. Refunds are determined by the last date of recorded attendance. If you stop attending and do not withdraw, you will receive a grade of F. Registered CITC students may call 1 (877) 707-2482 for assistance with the proper procedure.

Re-entry Policy

A student dismissed due to failure to maintain the minimum passing grade will not be allowed to continue to the next quarter. Students may apply to CITC to resume class the following year. In cases where the student was dismissed due to unacceptable conduct, the student may have to meet with the Vice President of Education before re-entering the school. The decision of the Vice President of Education is final, and the student will receive a letter within five business days stating the decision.

Class Transfer Policy

Transfers are not permitted during a quarter. Requests must be submitted to CITC Registrar office prior to the start of the quarter. Requests will be review by CITC. The student will be notified within five business days.

Completion Certificate

In order to obtain a Certificate of Completion from CITC, students must successfully complete a minimum of the last nine quarters of a twelve-quarter program; last seven quarters of a nine-quarter program; or last 5 quarters of a 6 quarter program or challenge each year for the cost of one quarter tuition. If the student fails the challenge exam, the cost of challenge exam will be put towards the quarter’s tuition. To obtain a Certificate of Completion from CITC’s Heavy Equipment Operator or Construction Craft Laborer Program, a student must successfully complete all three levels.

Notice to Students Regarding Religious Accommodations for Postsecondary Students

In accordance with WA Senate Bill 5166, student absences at a postsecondary school for reasons of faith or conscience, or for an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization, may be taken after written notice to the school. CITC will reasonably accommodate excused student absences due to observance of religious holidays. 

  • Any student seeking reasonable accommodations under this section must provide written notice to the Vice President of Education or Director of Education, within the first two weeks of the beginning of the course, of the specific dates the student requests accommodations regarding examinations or other activities. 
  • CITC faculty will work with students to reasonably accommodate students who, due to the observance of religious holidays, expect to be absent or endure a significant hardship during certain days of the course or program. “Reasonably accommodate” means coordinating with the student on scheduling examinations or other activities necessary for completion of the program and includes rescheduling examinations or activities or offering different times for the student to complete examinations or activities or providing recording of missed classes if available.
  • CITC students are not required to pay a fee for seeking reasonable accommodation under this section. 

CITC is licensed under Chapter 28C.10 RCW. Inquiries or complaints regarding this or any other private vocational school may be made to the WORKFORCE TRAINING AND EDUCATION COORDINATING BOARD (WTECB) at 128-10th Avenue SW, Olympia WA 98504-3105, (360) 709-4600, email:; website:  

Job Assistance

Upon request, CITC will provide students who are not registered apprentices with a list of active contractors who support the school...

Financial Aid

There are a limited number of scholarships and financial aid options available through CITC. Please contact 1 (877) 707-2482 for more information. CITC does not and will not provide any commission, bonus or other incentive payment, based directly or indirectly on success of procuring enrollment or financial aid to any persons or entities engaged in student recruiting or admission activities or in making decisions regarding the award of student financial assistance.

VA Benefits

Veterans Administration benefits are available only to state-registered apprentices. If you are interested in applying for a CITC apprenticeship program, please call (877) 428-0442.

Inclement Weather Policy

All classes cancelled due to inclement weather will be rescheduled and will be required to attend.

CITC instructors and students should first access the CITC webpage:, for current weather-related announcements.

When there is inclement weather, CITC follows the lead of School Districts or Colleges in the same area as CITC classes. Students should listen to the radio, watch the news or contact the schools listed below:

  • Bellevue facility classes are cancelled if Bellevue Community College cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (425) 564-1000.
  • Bellingham area classes are cancelled when Bellingham Tech cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled: , phone: (360) 752-7000.
  • Pasco facility classes are cancelled when Central Washington University cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (509) 222-5000.
  • Marysville facility classes are cancelled when the Marysville School District cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (360) 965-0000.
  • Spokane facility classes are cancelled when Eastern WA University cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (509) 359-SNOW.
  • Pierce County area classes are cancelled when Puyallup School District cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (253) 841-1301.
  • Vancouver facility classes are cancelled when Battle Ground School District is cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (360) 885-5300.
  • Wenatchee area classes are cancelled when Wenatchee Valley College cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:
  • Kitsap area classes are canceled when Olympic College cancels classes. Please check the website or call to see if evening activities have been cancelled:, phone: (360) 792-6050.
  • Yakima area classes are canceled when Perry Technical Institute cancels classes:,phone: (509) 453-0374.

CITC will contact students regarding closures via text message and will post closures on our website CITC will not call individual students to tell them classes are cancelled. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain cancellation information. If the student faces danger getting to school (icy roads, closed bridges, fallen trees) they can receive an excused absence - but must make up the work. Any cancelled classes must be rescheduled and made up. NOTE: For CITC students traveling over passes attend classes – students are expected to attend all scheduled classes. If the pass is closed, all assignments; including assigned projects, homework, and make-up work will need to be completed prior to the next class meeting.

Grading Scale/Attendance Policy/General Classroom Policies

An Incomplete Grade

In the event a student is performing at a passing level but does not complete all the requirements of a course during the scheduled quarter, a grade of Incomplete may be given. A student must complete and submit the missing work, as directed by the instructor, by 5PM on the Incomplete submission date as specified in the CITC Annual Calendar. If a student fails to complete the missing work by the deadline and/or fails to notify their instructor of updated test grades from re-tests, the Incomplete reverts to a grade of ‘F’. 

Grade Reports/Transcripts

Students will receive a grade report at the end of each quarter. At the beginning of each course the instructor will provide every student with the grading criteria for that course. The quality of a student’s performance in a course is recognized by a grade. CITC Instructors use the following grading scale: A = 100-90%; B = 89-80%; C = 79-70%; F = below 70%. (Note: The grade will also be influenced by attendance – see Attendance Requirements below.) Students must successfully complete the current quarter with a minimum score of 70% in order to advance to the next quarter. Students who fail to satisfactorily complete the course may re-enroll when the course is offered again.

Class Format

CITC strives to provide all classes in an in-person format to best support student learning. However, to ensure student safety, some classes may incorporate a hybrid instructional format; with some theory classes being online. The inclusion of a hybrid class format will ensure student safety so that CITC is able to continue classes as scheduled in the event of school closures due to potential inclement weather.

Online Classroom Policies and Expectations

CITC is dedicated to ensuring a productive, safe virtual classroom for all students and instructors. CITC students, instructors and staff represent a diverse community. Behaviors that do not support a respectful learning environment are not acceptable and will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from CITC. As a reminder, the CITC Facility Policies still applies to all students regardless of their physical location.

Online Behavioral Expectations

  • Awareness of intended audience (e.g., classes are meant for students currently enrolled in the course, and you must not enter or share a class meeting with someone unauthorized)
  • General etiquette (e.g., mute microphones when not speaking, raise hand virtually to ask a question, turn off camera if you’re stepping away)
  • Discussions (e.g., you can disagree with others but should do so respectfully and constructively)
  • Privacy (e.g., students should consult with the instructor to receive permission to record the class)
  • Communicate instances of disruptive behaviors to the proper instructor, faculty member, or escalate the complaint when necessary.

Examples of Unacceptable Online Behavior

  • Offensive/inappropriate discussion posts or submissions
  • Harassment of others, either inside or outside of the course space
  • Inappropriate or concerning behavior in a synchronous session
  • Inappropriate or confrontational email, classroom, group, or telephone communications

Student Role in Hybrid Classes

A limited number of CITC classes will be offered in a hybrid format.  CITC’s hybrid courses are designed to provide students with a safe and convenient way to learn and complete their theory portion of the course. However, CITC’s hybrid courses maintain the same quality and rigor that can be found in our traditional classroom setting. 

Computer Skills

Students will need to have basic computer skills. Students are expected to be able to:

  • Attend virtual class meetings
  • Open files in standard formats (e.g., MS Office documents, PDFs, and images)
  • Create, save, organize, and maintain digital files
  • Interact with learning management systems (LMS)
  • Communicate electronically, and
  • Knowledge of web browsing and searching

Communication and Participation

CITC students are expected to be an active participant in the course. Even though you may not see your classmates and instructor, courses are designed to include discussion and other forms of collaboration and communication. Students must be willing and ready to regularly communicate with classmates and instructors online and are expected to participate in weekly course activities. Students are expected to log into their scheduled course meetings weekly. Doing so will allow you participate in class activities, assignments, online discussions, and complete assessments. You are expected to complete all assignments, quizzes, tests, and any other activities by the due date.

Do not hesitate to ask questions. You are strongly encouraged to contact your instructor if you have course related questions regarding course concepts, assignments, and feedback provided to you. It is recommended that you contact your instructor well in advance of the due date. Also, your instructors have set aside specific times to be available for phone conferences or chat sessions if you need additional course-related support. When emailing questions to your instructor, refer to the course syllabus to review their policy on response time. Please note they may not be able to respond to every email immediately.

Time Management

Managing your time is essential in any course. Successful students are very organized in their studies and take ownership of their own learning. A good approach is to set aside specific time each day to focus on your coursework and studies. Ideally, set that time to be the same time each day.

Study Environment

Setting a consistent, familiar study environment is just as essential as managing your time. If possible, find a well-lit setting that is free of distraction. Schedule your course studies around those times you have access to your distraction-free environment. You may find that you’ll make better use of your time.

Student Course Materials

Students are responsible for maintaining course files, which includes any files (papers, projects, assessments, presentations, etc.) that you create. In addition to keeping a digital copy of your file on your own personal computer, tablet, or external storage device, you should also make use of a cloud-based storage solution (e.g., Dropbox,, OneDrive). If you lose or cannot locate a file, contact your course instructor to see if s/he is able to provide the file to you. Once a course is completed, neither CITC nor your instructor is responsible for providing you with lost course-related digital files, resources, or materials. 


CITC will be utilizing NCCER’s online testing platform for all NCCER module exams. Students will be required to pass all NCCER module exams to be eligible for NCCER certification. CITC will follow all NCCER Remote Test Session Guidelines to ensure compliance. Students must have a computer or tablet with built-in camera/web cam and appropriate audio (through device or phone). No cell phones may be used for testing.

Electronic Device Policy

The use of personal electronic devices (PED’s) will become a central component of most classes at CITC. It is a requirement of CITC students to own a laptop or tablet computer with video, audio, camera, microphone, and wireless network access. A laptop or tablet computer is required as it allows students to use their device while they are on campus, between and during classes.

Students are required to have their own laptop or tablet computer on the first day of their scheduled class.

Students’ laptop or tablet computer should be used for e-texts, assignment completion, or taking notes during lecture; however, PED privileges will be revoked if students are using them for non-course-related reasons (e.g., news, social media, shopping). Cell phones may be used with the approval of the instructor. If there is an emergency and your phone must be on/visible, please inform the instructor of this at the beginning of class.
Cell phones and texting are distractions, and potentially unsafe, during class and lab time. Ringtones should be set to silent mode. If a student is told more than once to stop using a cell phone, he or she may be removed from class and considered an unexcused absence, which is subject to discipline.

Attendance Requirements

CITC believes a student’s success depends on regular attendance. Students are expected to attend every class meeting (including Saturday labs and field trips when applicable). Each absence will result in a percentage deduction on the final grade each quarter.

  • For classes that are 160 hours per year and generally meet only once a week for 4 hours, each absence causes a one (1) percent deduction in the total grade, and a deduction of 10 percent (one full letter grade drop) will be imposed when a student has three or more absences per quarter.
  • For classes that are 200 or more hours per year and generally meet twice per week, each absence is one half of one (1/2) percent deduction in the total grade, and a deduction of 10 percent (one full letter grade drop) will be imposed when a student has 5 or more absences.
  • For classes that meet on Friday/Saturdays, weekly or monthly blocks, each day missed is equal to two (2) absences.
  • In addition, for all classes, two (2) tardies is equal to one (1) absence.

Students must legibly print and sign CITC’s attendance sheet. A student may be marked absent if their name and/or signature is not legible.

Grievance and Complaint Procedures

Student grievances and complaints must be submitted in writing to the CITC office within 14 days of the occurrence. Grievances or complaints will first be addressed by CITC’s President or Vice President of Education. Appeals to any decision regarding the grievance may be made to the CITC Board of Trustees. The CITC Board has final authority on all issues pertaining to classroom training and administration. After a decision has been made by the CITC Board, if a student chooses to pursue the grievance further, a complaint may be made to the Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board via mail at PO Box 43105, Olympia WA 98504; via phone at (360) 709-4600; or via email at

Class Size

Courses will be offered contingent upon enrollment and/or staffing. A minimum of 15 students must enroll in each course in each location to enable the course to be held. There will be a maximum of 40 students per non-lab class and a maximum of 25 students per lab class unless otherwise noted. Class size may vary as enrollment is based on classroom capacity.

Class Cancellations

A class may be canceled when insufficient enrollment occurs. You will be notified by phone three (3) days prior to the first class meeting if your class has been canceled. A full refund of all monies paid will be processed automatically. When we are not able to reach a student before the first class meeting we will post signs on the doors of the classroom. Under certain extenuating circumstances (inclement weather, instructor sick, etc.) classes may need to be rescheduled. These classes will be made up prior to the end of the quarter. Make-up class dates may occur on weeknights and Saturdays. CITC instructors will schedule make-up class times with students and inform CITC staff. CITC staff will inform students verbally, by email, and via text message blasts regarding any schedule make-up classes.

COVID-19 Policy


Safety is our first concern! CITC has developed a comprehensive plan for our facilities to ensure compliance with CDC, WA State, and local health guidelines. CITC will expect all staff, faculty, students, and visitors who enter a CITC facility to abide by these guidelines. All CITC staff and faculty have a responsibility to perform their work assignments with safe work practices and following all safety rules and procedures. CITC students have a responsibility to attend their classes, perform all hands-on labs and activities, and follow all safety rules and procedures.

Facility Cleaning

CITC is taking precautions to help mitigate the spread of this virus. Janitorial vendors spend additional time disinfecting and wiping down high touch surfaces in all our training facilities. Surfaces such as: administration surfaces, keyboards, classroom tables, restrooms, doorknobs, etc. 

Class Format

COVID-19 issues that arise during the school year may require classes to temporarily change instructional format to comply with CDC, state, and Washington State Higher Education Guidelines. CITC is prepared to transition classroom-based instruction, for all students, to a temporary hybrid format; with theory classes being online and small in person labs scheduled at our facilities throughout the year if necessary. This temporary transition to a hybrid format will ensure CITC is able to ensure classes continue as scheduled in the event of mandated school closures.

CITC Enrollment Agreement


To register for a class, visit Choose your trade, click the "Register" button next to the desired class, and follow the prompts to complete the Enrollment Agreement. Be sure to submit your registration at least 2 weeks before the class starts.

If you are a state-registered apprentice in a CITC apprenticeship program, complete the online enrollment agreement and select the "I am A State Registered CITC Apprentice" payment method.

If your employer is paying for your tuition, complete the online enrollment agreement and select the "Bill My Employer" payment method. It is ultimately the responsibility of the student to ensure tuition is paid.

If you are paying your own tuition, complete the online enrollment agreement and select the appropriate payment method.

CITC accepts payment via American Express, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, Cash, Check or Money Order. All registrations must be accompanied with payment unless student is a registered apprentice in a CITC apprenticeship program.

To register with a paper or electronic version of the Enrollment Agreement, return the completed and signed enrollment agreement to CITC. All registrations must be accompanied with payment unless student is a state registered apprentice in a CITC apprenticeship program.

In-person: CITC, 1930 116th Ave. NE, Bellevue, WA 98004
Mail: CITC, 1930 116th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004
Fax: (425) 462-7391

Enrollment begins 2 weeks prior to each quarter. Tuition is due before the first class. A student is not considered registered until payment is made in full. Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Students will receive a copy of their completed Enrollment Agreement upon registration. For further information call (877) 707-2482.
Note: Students will not be allowed to attend class without a copy of their Enrollment Agreement on file at the CITC office. 

Refund and Cancellation Policy for In Person Classes

Due to the threat of a COVID-19 variant leading to another quarantine and potential closure of schools, CITC is prepared to temporarily transition class instruction to a hybrid schedule if needed. If CITC is required to transition classes to a hybrid format all theory-based classes for apprenticeship and craft training students will be held in a virtual format until Governor Inslee’s office allows Higher Education programs to return to in person training. CITC will hold in person classes, maintaining all safety guidelines, for hands-on based learning and assessments. Hands-on based learning classes will continue as long as CITC can safely accommodate in person training to comply with any State and Federal COVID-19 safety requirements.

Cancellation of Enrollment

If you have not started training, you may cancel your enrollment with CITC by submitting a written notice of cancellation to the address shown on the enrollment agreement no later than midnight of the fifth day (excluding Sundays and holidays) following your signing the contract, or the written notice may be personally or otherwise delivered to the school within that time. In the event of dispute over timely notice, the burden to prove service rests on the sender.

CITC’s refund policy offers the maximum refund amount allowed by law. The refund amount will be based on the last date of recorded attendance. Some fees, such as late fees, NSF fees and/or interest charges are non-refundable.

Official Date of Termination

The student’s official date of termination shall be the last date of recorded attendance when withdrawal occurs in any of the following manners:
• When CITC receives notice of the student’s cancellation of enrollment, or his/her intent to withdraw from class.
• When the student is terminated for a violation of a published school policy which provides for termination.
• When the student, without notice to CITC, fails to attend classes for 30 calendar days.
• When a student attending a class that meets in 1 week blocks or 1 month blocks misses 1 full week

Refund Before Entering Class

1. You will receive a full refund of all monies paid if your enrollment is not accepted by CITC.
2. You will receive a full refund of all monies paid if you cancel your enrollment with CITC by submitting a written notice of cancellation no later than midnight of the fifth day (excluding Sundays and holidays) following your signing the contract. The written notice may be personally or otherwise delivered to the school within that time.
3. After five business days (excluding Sundays and holidays), the school may retain an established registration fee equal to: 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $100, whichever is less. Registration fee refers to any fee, however named, covering those expenses incurred by an institution in processing student applications and establishing a student records system

Refund After Entering Class

1. If a student terminates during the first week or up to 10 percent of contracted instruction, whichever is less, the school may retain 10 percent of the tuition cost plus a registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $100, whichever is less).
2. If a student terminates after the first week or 10 percent of instruction, whichever is less, but prior to completion of 25 percent of contracted time, the school may retain 25 percent of tuition costs plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $100, whichever is less).
3. If a student terminates after completion of 25 percent but prior to completion of 50 percent of contracted instructional time, the school may retain 50 percent of tuition cost plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $100, whichever is less).
4. If a student terminates after completion of 50 percent or more of contracted instructional time, the school may retain the full tuition cost plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $100, whichever is less).
5. If the school discontinues instruction in any program after a student enters training, including circumstances where the school changes its location, students must be notified in writing of such events and are entitled to a prorated refund of all tuition and fees paid, unless comparable training is arranged for by the school and agreed upon, in writing, by the student. Students entitled to refunds must apply in writing to the school within 90 calendar days of the discontinuance or relocation, and any earned refund must be disbursed by the school within 30 calendar days after receipt of a request.

Termination by the School

A student who fails to maintain satisfactory progress, violates safety regulations, interferes with other students’ work, is boisterous, vulgar or obscene, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or does not make timely tuition payment(s), is subject to immediate termination. CITC reserves the right to cancel a class if the number of students enrolling is deemed insufficient. Such cancellation will be considered a rejection by the school and the student is entitled to a full refund of all monies paid. The terminated student may follow the Grievance Procedures found on page 6.

Refund and Cancellation Policy Hybrid Education

Due to the threat of a COVID-19 variant leading to another quarantine and potential closure of schools, CITC is prepared to temporarily transition class instruction to a hybrid schedule if needed. If CITC is required to transition classes to a hybrid format all theory-based classes for apprenticeship and craft training students will be held in a virtual format until Governor Inslee’s office allows Higher Education programs to return to in person training.
CITC will hold in person classes, maintaining all safety guidelines, for hands-on based learning and assessments. Hands-on based learning classes will continue as long as CITC can safely accommodate in person training to comply with any State and Federal COVID-19 safety requirements

1. If a student cancels after the fifth calendar day (excluding Sundays and holidays) but before the school receives the first completed lesson, the school may keep only a registration fee of either fifty dollars or an amount equal to fifteen percent of the tuition, but no greater than a registration fee of one hundred fifty dollars.
2. If a student terminates after the first 10 percent of instruction, whichever is less, but prior to completion of 25 percent of contracted time, the school may retain 10 percent of tuition costs plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $150, whichever is less).
3. If a student terminates after completion of more than one week or 10 percent of instruction, whichever is less, but prior to completion of 25 percent of contracted instructional time, the school may retain 25 percent of tuition cost plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $150, whichever is less).
4. If a student terminates after completion of 26 percent of instruction but prior to completion of 50 percent or more of contracted instructional time, the school may retain 50 percent of tuition cost plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $150, whichever is less).
5. If a student terminates after completion of 50 percent or more of contracted instructional time, the school may retain the full tuition cost plus registration fee (equal to 10 percent of the total tuition cost, or $150, whichever is less).
6. If the school discontinues instruction in any program after a student enters training, including circumstances where the school changes its location, students must be notified in writing of such events and are entitled to a prorated refund of all tuition and fees paid, unless comparable training is arranged for by the school and agreed upon, in writing, by the student. Students entitled to refunds must apply in writing to the school within 90 calendar days of the discontinuance or relocation, and any earned refund must be disbursed by the school within 30 calendar days after receipt of a request.

Enrollment Information

Enrollment Schedule

Enrollment begins approximately 6 weeks prior to each quarter. Tuition is due before the first class. A student is not considered registered until payment is made in full.
Each quarter enrollment must be completed one week before the following quarter online or at the administrative offices: 1930 - 116th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004. Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first serve basis. Upon receipt of your application and tuition fee, you will be sent a copy of your registration reserving your space in class. For further information call (425) 454-2482.
Note: Students will not be allowed to attend class without a copy of their enrollment form on file at the CITC office.

Enrollment Period

Summer enrollment begins June 15, 2024. Summer enrollment ends August 14, 2024.
Fall enrollment begins July 15, 2024. Fall enrollment ends October 11, 2024.
Winter enrollment begins December 6, 2024. Winter enrollment ends February 14, 2025.
Spring enrollment begins March 7, 2025. Spring enrollment ends May 2, 2025.

SUMMER quarter begins the week of July 8, 2024.
FALL quarter begins the week of September 6, 2024.
WINTER quarter begins the week of January 3, 2025.
SPRING quarter begins the week of April 4, 2025.
Total hours vary by program and are listed under each trade.

Tuition and Fees

Eastern Washington (excluding Glazier, Laborer, HEO, and Scaffold Erector) tuition for evening classes is $1,395 per quarter if received prior to class start date.

Western Washington (excluding Glazier, Laborer, HEO, and Scaffold Erector) tuition for evening classes is $1,835 per quarter if received prior to class start date.

Heavy Equipment Operator tuition is $14,450 per year.

Laborer and Scaffold tuition is $5,500 per year.

If payment is received after the class start date, a late fee of $125 will be added to the cost of your tuition. Interest of 1.5% will accrue on the 1st of every month on any unpaid balance after 30 days.

For all programs except the Heavy Equipment Operator and Laborers program, students are required to pay tuition on a quarterly basis. Each school year consists of three quarters: fall, winter, and spring. Tuition for each quarter must be paid in full by the first night of each class. Students with an unpaid balance at the end of the quarter will not be permitted to register for the next quarter. A Student Payment Plan is available to returning students who have established a good payment history with CITC. Additional fees may apply to late payments and overdue balances.

In the event that a student’s past due balance is sent to collections, the student is responsible for any and all costs incurred by CITC, including but not limited to: collection agency fees, reasonable attorney fees, court costs, in an attempt to collect the bad debt.

NSF CHECKS: A service fee of $35.00 will be added to all NSF checks. If a balance is owed, the balance must be paid immediately in cash or by credit card in order for the student to continue class.



CITC is licensed by: Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board (WTECB) License #600.598.518 CITC is licensed under Chapter 28c.10 RCW; inquiries or complaints regarding this or any other private vocational school in Washington may be made to: Workforce Training & Education Coordinating Board, 128 10th Avenue SW, PO Box 43105, Olympia, WA 98504-3105, (360) 709-4600, or via email at